mandag den 30. april 2012
fredag den 27. april 2012
Økologisk mad
Hvor sundt er økologisk mad?
Smager økologisk mad bedre?
Video om økologisk mad del 1/2
Video om økologisk mad del 2/2
Spis grønsager og uforarbejdet mad.
torsdag den 26. april 2012
Hvor mange exoplaneter findes der?
I denne video fortæller Phil Plait, hvor mange exoplaneter der der fundet
Portræt af biolog Richard Dawkins
Denne video er et portræt af biolog Richard Dawkins og hans arbejde med biologisk udvikling
Video fra BBC4 25. april 2012
Richard Dawkins,
mandag den 23. april 2012
Hundeelskere og deres hunde
A pug gasps for breath, his face so flat he damages his eyes if he bumps into things; a cavalier King Charles spaniel writhes in agony and must be put to sleep to end its pain; a distraught owner holds his beloved boxer who is fitting uncontrollably... Two years in the making, Pedigree Dogs Exposed lifts the lid on the true extent of health and welfare problems in pedigree dogs in the UK.
Seventy five per cent of the seven million dogs in the UK are pedigrees, and they cost their owners over £10m in vet fees every week.
This indepth investigation suggests they are in serious trouble, plagued by genetic disease due to decades of inbreeding.
They are also suffering acute problems because of the showring's emphasis on looks over and above function and health.
Some physical traits required by the Kennel Club's breed standards have inherent health problems (short faces, wrinkling, screw-tails, dwarfism) while other problems occur because of exaggerations bred into dogs by breeders trying to win rosettes.
Deliberate mating of dogs that are close relatives is common practice and the Kennel Club continues to register dogs bred from mother-to-son and brother-to-sister matings.
Scientists at Imperial College, London, recently found that pugs in the UK are so inbred that, although there are 10,000 of them, it is the equivalent of just 50 distinct individuals -- making them more genetically compromised than the giant panda.
Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics, UCL, says: "People are carrying out breeding which would be, first of all, be entirely illegal in humans and secondly is absolutely insane from the point of view of the health of the animals."
He adds: "In some breeds they are paying a terrible, terrible price in genetic disease."
The film exposes the devastating consequences of such genetic disease for dogs and the distress it causes their owners.
Disturbing footage is shown of a cavalier King Charles spaniel writhing in agony due to syringomyelia, estimated to affect up to a third of the breed.
They have been bred with skulls too small for their brains, explains veterinary neurologist Clare Rusbridge: "The cavalier's brain is like a size 10 foot that has been shoved into a size six shoe -- it doesn't fit."
Boxers suffer from several life-threatening health issues -- including heart disease and a very high rate of cancer, especially brain tumours.
There are no official figures to say how many boxers suffer from epilepsy but in some breeds it is 20 times the rate found in humans. Two-year-old Zak is filmed while fitting and the distress the disease causes for him and his owners is obvious.
The film also demonstrates how some breeders produce dogs with pronounced physical attributes -- "exaggerations" -- in their efforts to attract a dog show judge's eye.
The breed standards are set by the Kennel Club but are open to interpretation and the film shows how, as fashion changes, so do the dogs, leading to serious health and welfare problems in some breeds.
Bulldogs, for example, have been bred to be such an unnatural shape that most can no longer mate or give birth unassisted.
Seventy five per cent of the seven million dogs in the UK are pedigrees, and they cost their owners over £10m in vet fees every week.
This indepth investigation suggests they are in serious trouble, plagued by genetic disease due to decades of inbreeding.
They are also suffering acute problems because of the showring's emphasis on looks over and above function and health.
Deliberate mating of dogs that are close relatives is common practice and the Kennel Club continues to register dogs bred from mother-to-son and brother-to-sister matings.
Scientists at Imperial College, London, recently found that pugs in the UK are so inbred that, although there are 10,000 of them, it is the equivalent of just 50 distinct individuals -- making them more genetically compromised than the giant panda.
Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics, UCL, says: "People are carrying out breeding which would be, first of all, be entirely illegal in humans and secondly is absolutely insane from the point of view of the health of the animals."
He adds: "In some breeds they are paying a terrible, terrible price in genetic disease."
The film exposes the devastating consequences of such genetic disease for dogs and the distress it causes their owners.
Disturbing footage is shown of a cavalier King Charles spaniel writhing in agony due to syringomyelia, estimated to affect up to a third of the breed.
They have been bred with skulls too small for their brains, explains veterinary neurologist Clare Rusbridge: "The cavalier's brain is like a size 10 foot that has been shoved into a size six shoe -- it doesn't fit."
Boxers suffer from several life-threatening health issues -- including heart disease and a very high rate of cancer, especially brain tumours.
There are no official figures to say how many boxers suffer from epilepsy but in some breeds it is 20 times the rate found in humans. Two-year-old Zak is filmed while fitting and the distress the disease causes for him and his owners is obvious.
The film also demonstrates how some breeders produce dogs with pronounced physical attributes -- "exaggerations" -- in their efforts to attract a dog show judge's eye.
The breed standards are set by the Kennel Club but are open to interpretation and the film shows how, as fashion changes, so do the dogs, leading to serious health and welfare problems in some breeds.
Bulldogs, for example, have been bred to be such an unnatural shape that most can no longer mate or give birth unassisted.
fredag den 20. april 2012
søndag den 15. april 2012
Neil deGrasse Tyson hos Conan O'Brien
15. marts 2007
Neil deGrasse Tyson,
Kur mod autisme
Holly Riley mener at have fundet en kur imod autisme. En kur som helbreder børn, der har fået autisme.
Denne video er lavet af Myles Power
Denne video er lavet af Myles Power
tirsdag den 10. april 2012
Korrekt oversættelse
David Bellos om, at oversætte korrekt
Enhver med en smule engelskkundskaber der har set dansk tv med undersættelser oversat fra engelsk kender til de elendige oversættelser. Det er dog endnu værre når der er tale om bøger.
For nemhedens skyld blot eksempler på oversættelse af titler:
The God Delusion - blev til: Illusionen om gud. Vrangforestilling havde været bedre.
The Greatest Show on Earth. The Evidence for Evolution - blev til: Darwins teori. Om evolution, videnskab og sandhed.
Begge bøger er skrevet af Richard Dawkins.
Enhver med en smule engelskkundskaber der har set dansk tv med undersættelser oversat fra engelsk kender til de elendige oversættelser. Det er dog endnu værre når der er tale om bøger.
For nemhedens skyld blot eksempler på oversættelse af titler:
The God Delusion - blev til: Illusionen om gud. Vrangforestilling havde været bedre.
The Greatest Show on Earth. The Evidence for Evolution - blev til: Darwins teori. Om evolution, videnskab og sandhed.
Begge bøger er skrevet af Richard Dawkins.
mandag den 9. april 2012
Kaldet af universet - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Interview med astrofysiker Neil deGrasse Tyson af The Science Network 2010 om Pluto, universet og videnskab.
Neil deGrasse Tyson,
søndag den 8. april 2012
lørdag den 7. april 2012
Passiv rygning og lungekræft
En video om Passiv rygning fra ny forskning og lungekræft blandet folk, der aldrig har røget. It was a topic of interest to me at AACR and I had a chance to meet one of the authors of the 2009 paper.
Få gratis hjælp på stoplinien, Hver eneste cigaret skader dig.
Int J Cancer. 2004 Mar;109(1):125-31.
Secondhand smoke exposure in adulthood and risk of lung cancer among never smokers: a pooled analysis of two large studies.
Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Sep 15;15(18):5626-45.
Lung cancer in never smokers: clinical epidemiology and environmental risk factors.
Der er en fejl i videoen. I refer to one of the papers (CCR) as being published in 2011, when it was actually published in 2009. The author's manuscript was published online in 2011, two years after the print version.
Få gratis hjælp på stoplinien, Hver eneste cigaret skader dig.
Int J Cancer. 2004 Mar;109(1):125-31.
Secondhand smoke exposure in adulthood and risk of lung cancer among never smokers: a pooled analysis of two large studies.
Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Sep 15;15(18):5626-45.
Lung cancer in never smokers: clinical epidemiology and environmental risk factors.
Der er en fejl i videoen. I refer to one of the papers (CCR) as being published in 2011, when it was actually published in 2009. The author's manuscript was published online in 2011, two years after the print version.
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